Live Review: April Rose Gabrielli: “SohoJohnny Presents The Let Me Help, Inc. 9/11 Fashion and Music Celebrity Benefit Gala Concert @ Rumi Event Space NYC, 9/11/21

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Adorned in a vermillion, star studded rocker chick attire eminent superstar April Rose Gabrielli elegantly walked the Crimson carpet with an energetic confidence completely primed for her live performance at Rumi Event Space in NYC at the SohoJohnny Presents the Let Me Help, Inc. Fashion and Music Celebrity Benefit Gala Concert. In a barrage of multi-chromatic dazzle, she owned the stage while showcasing her quickly rising Billboard hit “Do You?”

Every common miracle is made out of a staff of stars, and April Rose Gabrielli never disappoints. The BMG and Soho Records signed artist has had a phenomenal year thus far. She was featured at a sold out concert at the iconic Bitter End, and had one of her songs premiered at The Tribeca Film Festival. Her first single is moving up the Billboard chart at record speed while collecting an international fan base.

April Rose Gabrielli shared the stage with artists including Joey Belladonna from Anthrax, Kim Sledge from Sister Sledge, Leon from Leon and the Peoples, Felipe Rose from the Village People, Kreesha Turner, Michelle Shocked, Sari Schorr, ARO, Billy Hess, Tym Moss, master pianist and composer Randy Edelman, Kulick, Ricky Kramer, No Mansfield, DJ Charlie Z, Shitty Princess, Mickey Burns, Manny Calbo, Queeny King and many others. Also present was actor Mario Van Pebbles, author Howard Bloom, Wonderama’s Chuck Armstrong, Producer Carol Green from Redwood Entertainment and John Velasco from everywhere including Chippendale’s. Even producer SohoJohnny was on stage performing a duet with Kim Sledge and singing the Grande Finale “Don’t Stop Believing.”

Nothing can dim the light that sparkles within and April Rose Gabrielli shines her brightest light and leaves a tart trail of glitter where ever she goes……April Rose Gabrielli is a joy to listen to. What is joy if it goes unrecorded….tell her story, and sing her song to the wider world…



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Live Review: SohoJohnny Presents The Let Me Help, Inc 9/11 Fashion and Music Celebrity Benefit Gala Concert @Rumi Event Space 9/11/21